Board of Directors

Sheila Mangan, President

Frustrated by years of experiencing the economic barriers and inequity of the horse first-hand, Sheila Mangan was excited to join IEF’s BOD. As the ultimate horse show mom, Sheila went above and beyond to break down these barriers for her daughter, Carly. She hopes to continue doing so for other underfunded equestrians through IEF.

Natalie Bills, Treasurer

We are thrilled to have Natalie Bills join us as our treasurer on our BOD. Natalie is a life-long lover of horses and an advocate for the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Michelle Horrigan, Clerk

As a dedicated women’s rights and gender equity activist, we are excited to welcome Michelle onto our BOD.

If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors for the 2024/2025 year, do not hesitate to reach out.